The Transition to Spring

We are now entering the spring season (my favorite ahhhh!!). The days begin to grow longer, flowers blossom, and animals wake from a deep slumber. We’re literally and figuratively shaking off the frost of a long winter. 

Just as seasons of life come and go, so do seasons of nature. Because we are a part of nature, too, these seasonal shifts appear in our lives. In the fall/winter months, characterized by short days and long nights, we are quieter, reclusive, and introspective. In the spring/summer months, where the days are long, we are more outgoing, social, and buzzing with energy. There is a lot to be said for connecting with the seasons of nature and bringing the lessons of those transitions into our lives, as well. 

How to embrace the spring, let’s go!!!! 

  1. Rise with the sun  — daylight begins to increase and rising with the sun can help shift our circadian rhythms.

  2. Eat seasonally  — our bodies are extremely in tune with nature. So, consuming foods that are in season can provide our bodies with the minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that are vital for this seasonal transition. Some foods include:

    1. Bitter greens (arugula, dandelion, chard)

    2. Citrus (lemons, limes, grapefruits) 

    3. Strong herbs (fennel, vinegar, dill, rosemary)

  3. Drink liquids  — white or floral teas (moving away from black tea, earl gray, chai, etc.), kombucha, smoothies, and fresh juices.

  4. Get outside — spend time outdoors to notice the growth that is happening externally: birds chirping, soil defrosting, plants sprouting, flowers blossoming. One of the best ways to form a relationship with nature is to simply bring awareness to it. Notice how, without even being told to do so, every organism and creature is transitioning into its spring season. Amazing!!

  5. Spring cleaning  — clean and clear out those cluttered spots that have piled up over the winter. Spring is a time for cleansing and renewal. Enter the spring and summer season with a fresh slate. 

  6. Bring nature indoors  — gather driftwood, shrubs, flowers, rocks, leaves, and more to bring nature indoors. This is a way to honor the growth that is happening during this season (both internally and externally).

  7. Get barefoot  (aka grounding) — our feet are equipped with thousands of nerves that can absorb free electrons from the Earth. Free electrons are essential in neutralizing free radicals, thus reducing inflammation in the body. It also helps orient our bodies in time/space and balance our circadian rhythms.

  8. Make a new playlist  — not sure if everyone does this but we make a new playlist for each season and it helps set the tone for the next few months. 

We are moving from the darkness, quitness, and stillness of the winter months into the movement, light, and energy of the spring. Renewal, rebirth, transformation and growth is all coming!! How cool to see the entire physical world around us transition into a new season, as we do the same.

Happy spring! Xx, b


ON: Heartbreak