Productivity Tips

PRODUCTIVITY, BABY. Here are some of our tried-and-true productivity tips + tricks.

  1. Take a moment to think about why you are doing this work and what your intention is. Taking a few seconds before you begin work to get your mind right will help you optimize your time.

  2. Shift your perspective from “I HAVE to do this” to “I GET to do this” or “I GET to learn this.”

  3. Write out your to-do list on paper and number your tasks (and enjoy the feeling of crossing them off)

  4. Batch your time — example: work for an hour and then take a 20 minute break.

  5. Take physical breaks — NOT sitting on your phone. get up, stretch, jump around, go for a walk, etc.

  6. Make yourself a study drink that you love — iced latte, bubbly water with lime, kombucha, chai latte, etc.

  7. Get out of your own way. put your phone in a different room, eliminate your distractions, decline a phone call if you know it will get you out of your flow.

  8. Play music that gets you in the zone — classical, jazz, binaural beats, Taylor Swift; you do you.

  9. Set up a reward for yourself for when you get all your work done — watch a TV show, take a long shower, making a delicious meal, etc.

  10. Reframe self discipline as compassion for your future self. Think of how proud and accomplished you will feel at the end of the day if you put in the work right now. Go time!

Hope this help. xx


ON: Heartbreak


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