When It’s A No

It doesn’t feel good to not be wanted. Especially when you want the thing that doesn’t want you. Not gonna lie — it stings. Getting rejected from college (or anything) is painful. In the next few weeks and months, the college decisions are going to start pouring in. It’s stressful and scary because as humans, we all desire to be accepted — into a family, a friend group, a team, a school. It is in our nature to be a part of a tribe, so when we are told that we do not belong, it hurts. And we turn to ourselves: could we have done more? did we work hard enough? was it something we said? something we didn’t say? It’s a bombardment of thoughts and there’s no stopping it. So what do you do when it’s a no?

You’re not going to see it now — you’re too in it. Let yourself be in it. Feel the pain, the heaviness, the discomfort. It’s ok to sink, but don’t stay down.

You’re not going to see it now — but your worth has nothing to do with getting accepted or denied from a school. It does not make you a better person, sister, brother, daughter, son, friend OR student. You were worthy before and you are worthy after.

You’re not going to see it now — but this is just a blink of time in your long, beautiful life. It may seem like a door is closing, but think of how many more are opening because of it. 

You’re not going to see it now — but it always works out. It really, truly does. You don’t have the gift of hindsight right now, but I do. And believe me: it always works out. Trust, trust, trust. 

One day you’ll see it — acceptance is a good teacher, but rejection is an even better one.




ON: Not Understanding


ON: “Should”